Lets Make Matcha Strawberry Lemonade
2 cups lemon juice (about 10 lemon’s worth)
2/3 cup coconut sugar (more if you like it sweeter)
2 cups chopped strawberries
2 – 3 tablespoons Barista’s Matcha Tea
4 cups cold water
1. Combine 2 cups water, lemon juice and sugar in a pan on low heat
2. Stir until sugar is melted, let cool
3. Combine strawberries and the lemon-sugar water in a blender and blend until smooth*
4. Add matcha to the blender and blend for another 10 seconds or so
5. Pour the mixture into a pitcher, stir in the remaining water, and chill until cold
6. Serve over ice
* Tip: to remove strawberry seeds, strain the blender mixture through a fine mesh sieve